You know what’s great about homophobia? It reveals idiots at the speed of light, sparing us all time wasted on jackasses.
Case in point: Toronto District School Board trustee Sam Sotiropoulos who was recently - and smashingly – nailed for his hateful, boneheaded tweets regarding transgendered people, gays and Toronto's Pride Parade by a tenacious Global News reporter.
Keeners will recall that trustee Sotiropoulos launched an ultimately unsuccessful bid to ban nudity at the Toronto Pride parade, intimating that pedophiles invariably people the ranks of homosexuals. Hey man, nice shot.
Anyway, back to the Global interview: When pressed about his ugly remarks – sample tweet: “Toronto Worldpride Parade 2014: Freak Show with Politicians” – Sotiropoulos prevaricated, stammered and then eventually clammed up, staring down the reporter.
Luckily, Sotiropoulos is so far attracting exactly the right kind of publicity: the derisive kind.
Pink News quotes activist Susan Gapka as saying, “It’s very concerning that people elected to public office don’t follow or take the time to learn about our codes of conduct, about our society. I hope he doesn’t win again.”
Right. And let’s extend that hope to another high-profile homophobe (also liar) currently seeking public office in Toronto. The gauntlet is down, folks, the gauntlet is down.
Case in point: Toronto District School Board trustee Sam Sotiropoulos who was recently - and smashingly – nailed for his hateful, boneheaded tweets regarding transgendered people, gays and Toronto's Pride Parade by a tenacious Global News reporter.
Keeners will recall that trustee Sotiropoulos launched an ultimately unsuccessful bid to ban nudity at the Toronto Pride parade, intimating that pedophiles invariably people the ranks of homosexuals. Hey man, nice shot.
Anyway, back to the Global interview: When pressed about his ugly remarks – sample tweet: “Toronto Worldpride Parade 2014: Freak Show with Politicians” – Sotiropoulos prevaricated, stammered and then eventually clammed up, staring down the reporter.
Luckily, Sotiropoulos is so far attracting exactly the right kind of publicity: the derisive kind.
Pink News quotes activist Susan Gapka as saying, “It’s very concerning that people elected to public office don’t follow or take the time to learn about our codes of conduct, about our society. I hope he doesn’t win again.”
Right. And let’s extend that hope to another high-profile homophobe (also liar) currently seeking public office in Toronto. The gauntlet is down, folks, the gauntlet is down.